Truths: America’s Future First
0- Author: Vivek Ramaswamy, New York Times bestselling author and former presidential candidate
- Focus: Proposes a truthful framework for the conservative movement to articulate its principles
- Critique: Highlights the Republican Party’s failure to present a clear alternative to the left’s vision
- Vision: Emphasizes unity through the America First movement, prioritizing country over politics
- Call to Action: Urges self-governance and honest discourse about the political system
- Importance: Asserts that the success of the America First movement is crucial for the country’s future
- Publication: Scheduled for release on September 24, 2024, by Threshold Editions
- Format: Available in multiple formats including text-to-speech and enhanced typesetting
Abortion: Truths to Win the Fight
0- Title: “Abortion: Our Bodies, Their Lies, and the Truths We Use to Win” by Jessica Valenti
- Explores the impact of the post-Roe America on women’s rights and freedoms
- Highlights the conservative assault on women’s reproductive rights and dispels misinformation
- Offers insights from Valenti’s newsletter, “Abortion, Every Day,” detailing tactics used by anti-abortion lawmakers
- Empowers women by articulating their frustrations and providing context for the abortion debate
- Serves as a handbook for supporters of abortion rights, catering to both seasoned activists and newcomers
- Combines wit, expertise, and moral clarity in a compelling manifesto for the current political climate
- Published by Crown on October 1, 2024, with 256 pages in hardcover format
Truths: America First’s Future
0- New York Times bestselling author Vivek Ramaswamy presents a plan to save America centered on honesty
- Ramaswamy critiques the modern Republican Party for failing to articulate a clear vision beyond being anti-left
- The book emphasizes the importance of the America First movement, which promotes unity over division
- Ramaswamy, a first-generation American and entrepreneur, highlights his reasons for entering politics and advocating for truth
- The narrative calls for prioritizing country over politics, merit over grievance, and truth over lies
- Ramaswamy warns that the movement’s success is crucial for the future of the country, especially ahead of the 2024 elections
- Truths: The Future of America First” is set to be published on September 24, 2024, by Threshold Editions
Truths: The Future of America First (Audible)
0- Written by New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy
- Addresses the need for conservatives to define what they stand for beyond being anti-woke and anti-globalist
- Critiques the modern Republican Party for failing to present a clear alternative to the left’s agenda
- Ramaswamy emphasizes the importance of honesty in addressing key issues for the future of America
- Advocates for the America First movement, focusing on unity and prioritizing the country over political divisions
- Encourages self-governance and active participation in the political system
- Highlights the urgency of the America First movement for the country’s future
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