• Revolutionary Love


    “Revolutionary love” sounds like an oxymoron. Revolution is usually a negative, violent, and destructive change, while love is positive, peaceful, and contented. But true love always changes people – and Christ’s love brings the most revolutionary change of all. Festo Kivengere escaped Uganda when the brutal regime of Idi Amin seized power, but he could not escape the pursuit of Jesus.

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  • The Global Scramble for the Nomads’ Backyard: A History and a Remedy


    A history of the illicit exploitation of the natural energy resources in the Ogaden Basin of the Somali Region by foreign powers and its adverse impact on the Somali Region, the Horn and world peace. Remediation measures are also discussed.

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  • An Illustrated Bestiary of the British Isles


    It is a collection, harvested from beyond the memory of man and obscurely perceived through the mists of tradition, of the stranger creatures and more bizarre legends of these ancient Isles

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