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When Wizards Follow Fools: Arcane Ascension 5

SKU: 2DD4113A

  • Title: When Wizards Follow Fools (Arcane Ascension Book 5)
  • Protagonist: Corin Cadence summoned to the Emerald Council amidst impending war
  • Setting: The nation of Valia, facing a critical leadership crisis
  • Missing leader: Valia’s visage, Tenjin, is absent following devastating attacks
  • Political landscape: Many leaders killed or injured, creating a power vacuum
  • Challenge: Corin must navigate old enemies and untrustworthy allies to save Valia
  • Publication date: September 12, 2024
  • Features: Supports unlimited device usage, Text-to-Speech, Screen Reader, and enhanced formatting


    Unveiling the Story

    In “When Wizards Follow Fools (Arcane Ascension Book 5),” readers are thrust into a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Corin Cadence, the protagonist, faces the daunting task of navigating a political summit convened by the elusive Emerald Council amid warnings of impending war in Valia. As power struggles unfold and alliances are tested, Corin must engage with a cast of old foes, fleeting allies, and enigmatic newcomers, all while trying to save his nation from an uncertain fate. This thrilling installment is not just a continuation of Corin’s journey; it’s a profound exploration of trust, betrayal, and the complexities of leadership in a world where magic and politics intertwine.

    What Makes It Stand Out

    “When Wizards Follow Fools” distinguishes itself with several unique elements:

    • Political Intrigue: The narrative dives deep into the political machinations of Valia, showcasing how power dynamics shift and evolve amidst chaos.
    • Character Development: Corin’s growth is palpable, reflecting the intense stakes and challenges he faces. Readers will appreciate his maturation as he confronts both old and new adversaries.
    • Balanced Pacing: Unlike previous installments, this book strikes a notable balance between answering lingering questions and presenting new mysteries, keeping the reader engaged throughout.
    • Rich World-Building: The intricate details of the magic system and the societal structures within Valia offer readers an immersive experience that enhances the stakes of the story.

    The Takeaway

    Readers can expect to gain not just enjoyment from a thrilling narrative but also valuable insights into themes of trust, resilience, and the complexities of leadership. “When Wizards Follow Fools” encourages readers to reflect on the nature of alliances and the weight of responsibility, all while delivering an exhilarating ride filled with magic and adventure.

    Who Should Consider This

    This book is perfect for:

    • Fans of Fantasy: Those who dive deep into fantastical worlds filled with magic, complex characters, and intricate plots will find a lot to love here.
    • Readers of the Series: Long-time followers of the Arcane Ascension series will appreciate the significant character progression and the resolution of long-standing mysteries.
    • Newcomers to Political Fantasy: Readers looking to explore a fantasy narrative rich in political intrigue and character dynamics will find this a compelling entry point.

    In-Depth Review


    • Engaging Plot: The narrative is filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep readers on their toes.
    • Character Growth: Corin’s development is a highlight, showcasing his transformation under pressure.
    • Political Maneuvering: The political aspects add depth, making the plot more than just a simple adventure.
    • Action-Packed: Several impressive battles and magical confrontations provide excitement throughout.


    • Pacing Issues: Some readers noted that certain sections felt drawn out, particularly those focused on intricate details of the glyps and sub-glyphs.
    • Dialogue Concerns: A few criticisms were aimed at the tendency for characters to monologue rather than engage in natural conversations.
    • Plot Development: While the book is rich in detail, some felt that the plot advancement could have been more pronounced.

    Discover More

    Whether you’re a seasoned fan of the Arcane Ascension series or a newcomer to the world of fantasy fiction, “When Wizards Follow Fools” promises a captivating experience. Dive deep into its pages, where political intrigue, character growth, and magical adventures await. Don’t miss out on this thrilling journey — explore the book today and uncover the fate of Valia!

    Additional information

    Publication date

    September 12, 2024



    File size

    4403 KB

    Simultaneous device usage




    Screen Reader


    Enhanced typesetting




    Word Wise


    Print length

    684 pages


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