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Queen of Spades Book 1: Shadow of Lies (Transgender Thriller Romance)

Author: Phoenix Cinders
SKU: 9781005171537

A transgender mystery thriller romance. Adam Sanderson goes down to Cancun to investigate the disappearance of his sister, Sarah. However, as he goes undercover to investigate the main suspect, Raquel Zorita, he slowly finds himself developing feelings for her.


What do a club owner, a cartel leader, and a killer all have in common? They’re all the same person. Meet Raquel Zorita, owner of one of the biggest clubs in Cancun, who runs an absolutely ruthless coke cartel. She and her partners watched their parents murdered and the cartel they’ve built destroyed by an upstart rival cartel called the Serpents. The Serpents were all killed by a mysterious assassin before they could get their revenge. Now they will stop at nothing to see the cartel their parents built return to its former glory. With revenge out of their reach, all they can do is rebuild the cartel from the ruins of their parents’ ashes. Of course, love always complicates things. Raquel meets the mysterious Sarah, falling head over heels for her only to find out she’s an undercover agent. Now Sarah’s gone missing and in comes her brother, Adam Henderson. A former intelligence agent who has a long bloody background with the military. He won’t rest until he uncovers the truth of his sister’s disappearance. But when he meets the mysterious club owner, Raquel Zorita, everything gets complicated. She was the last person Sarah was seen with and Adam goes undercover to investigate, scoring a job as her security adviser. However, the more he gets to know the mysterious woman, the more he realizes he’s falling for her. Even after she reveals she’s transgender, which complicates things since Adam grew up in a transphobic family and now must get over his bias to get closer to Raquel and learn the truth about his sister. Even knowing that she’s trans, he can’t help but develop feelings for the woman. Now he’s asking himself what if she killed his sister? Can he overcome his feelings for her to get revenge? What if she’s innocent? Does that mean he can be with her even though she’s trans? Will he be able to overcome his bias? Find out by reading the book!

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Phoenix Cinders


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